Spinning Shungite Crystal Pyramid
This Crystal Pyramid has a tip on the bottom that allows it to spin on a hard surface
Shungite assists in evolving spiritually, restores emotional balance, rejuvenates the cells, it acts as a catalyst for growth and transformation, increases personal power, raises vibration, grounds energies to the earth, promotes positivity, clears and balances aura and chakras, enhances metaphysical abilities, boosts energy, normalizes sleep and clears, activates, and aligns ALL chakras.
Shungite, which looks similar to coal, has the ability of conducting electromagnetic and geothermal energy, and yet absorbs and shields the body from electromagnetic emissions such as those caused by computers, microwaves, Wi-Fi and the like. Shungite can also absorb negative energy and remove it from a person or even an entire space. It will replace stress and negative emotions into positive energy, while at the same time keeping the user grounded and protected.
Not only does Shungite remove negativity, but will also rid the body of pollutants, bacteria, viruses and free radicals. Use Shungite to detoxify the body, bolster the immune system and relieve pain and inflammation. It can ease headaches and insomnia. Shungite helps with a variety of issues and ailments, from asthma and arthritis to chronic fatigue syndrome, pancreatic conditions and cardiovascular disease.